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Healthcare sector is growing rapidly with the emergence of strange, undiscovered and some epidemic diseases. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have a great impact on the healthcare industry and is increasing every day. Artificial Intelligence healthcare applications in the healthcare industry adds more exciting discoveries, management of structured and unstructured data, increase in efficient virtual assistants and much more. Healthcare sector has no doubt been revolutionized by AI’s potential. Webtunix AI offers many benefits for the healthcare sector. Our offerings and some of the examples of artificial intelligence in healthcare include:

Online Disease Diagnosis: We prepare the finest disease diagnosis platforms like AiVaid by implementing the best Machine Learning and AI tools. We make it possible for you to detect diseases anywhere and anytime with our accurate software based on detection of different medical conditions. Portals and applications for minor ailment diagnosis and disease diagnosis are developed by our experts. This lets you save time in visiting the doctor for diagnosis and result generation. Also, it helps in reducing the cases of progressive diseases with early diagnosis by smart AI systems.

Doctor Recommendation: Webtunix develops AI based doctor recommendation systems for medical assistance near you. These detect your location and let you check the nearest doctor specialized in the field of your problematic health condition. Best ML and AI tools have been implemented to bring out the results quickly.

Chatbots: With the right use of the finest quality AI and Machine Learning algorithms, chatbots are created by us to do the customer support services for your business in an effective way. This saves human efforts and time in dealing with the patients and handling their queries. This gives an interesting boost to the medical services.

● Human Intelligence Enhanced: Human Intelligence has been augmented with the inclusion of AI in the healthcare arena. Human’s overall experience gets enhanced in the fields like financial markets, life science and other related industries. The quality of services is improved at the company’s end that increases customer retention.

What else Webtunix AI does for you?

Our prime focus for healthcare sector is betterment in the medical sector and let multiple benefits flow in for humans as well as healthcare sector. We offer development of platforms and applications related to health improvement and disease diagnosis. Many efficient symptom checkers have been created by us that successfully monitor heart rate, pulse rate and other activity levels in the body.

Our health monitoring systems keep track of the health condition of our users and even let doctors know when the patients’ health needs attention. Not just that, reminders and alerts are sent to the users as well the concerned doctors in any case, even in emergency conditions. To sum up, artificial intelligence in healthcare holds a great scope for improvement and Webtunix plays its part in doing the same. In our services, we unlock the full potential of AI in medical field by implementing the knowledge, experience and proper tools and techniques and bring out the best results for your areas of interest.